Monday, August 28, 2017

Last Week

Last Monday was the solar eclipse and all of the kids were able to watch it at school. Here we had about 97% coverage, which was fine with me. I thought the coolest part of the whole thing was how dark it got outside. When it started it looked more like a cloudy, rainy day. Jacks' teacher sent some pictures of them looking at it. All of the kids thought it was a cool thing to see. 
Friday was a sad day for me; it was the first time in 11 years I have gone grocery shopping alone! Even when the boys were infants I would load them in the cart and just pile food around their car seats. I have always taken the kids with me when I go out, mainly so they learn how to act in public. While it was lonely without them, it was nice not hearing someone ask every 5 seconds if they can get something. I'll just have to wait until next summer for that. 
 We are down to single numbered days until we leave for California! We had a final money count and plan telling yesterday which made the kids even more excited. Brad made them autograph/journal books that they will all be able to put pictures and memories in. We showed them all of their tickets which had a little surprise in the back. They didn't know we were flying, but we decided to tell them now in case Emery and Jacks had any worries or questions about it. Then we counted their money they have been saving. We are so impressed with how well they have all done with it. They all have worked really hard and saved every penny they could. Now they all have a good amount to spend when we are there which will make it even more fun. I don't thing any of us will sleep well this week because we are all way too excited to go. 

Monday, August 21, 2017

School Starts

This year school came really fast, but I don't think that the kids were too sad. The boys started Jr High! They couldn't wait to start a new school and have lots of different classes. When we did register Camden had a top locker and Beck had a bottom, so I made them switch since Camden can't even really reach the top lockers. It took a while to figure out the locks, but we left with them knowing how to do it. But on the first day Beck couldn't get his open. They loved the first day and every day since. Camden told Emery and Jacks to wait till they get to go to 6th grade, it's the best and they'll love it. I do remember Jr High being a lot of fun. They only have 2 classes together, and so far so good. I was worried about them, but thankfully they are figuring it out and finding friends. 

 Jacks goes to all day, which means I'm home alone all day. It's been eleven years since this has happened. Everyone says it will be so nice, but for me it's too quiet. I like having the kids with me. I guess it's time to find a hobby. 
Jacks loves that he gets to eat at school and loves taking a lunch too. Emery is in 3rd and loves her teacher so far. She doesn't have any of her last year friends in her class, but she still loves it. We had a bus last year, but this year no such luck, so we get to walk to drive the younger kids to school every day now. 
 Once you start a tradition and the kids like it, you can't stop it. Each year we do a candy gram and the kids love it and look forward to it. 
 "Jacks my little cupcake. You are becoming so kind sized in 1st grade, but you will always be Dad's little Avenger. Dip'n to school, have some fun and don't be a Mr. Krabs."
 "School is full of air heads and trolls but you are an old fashion Super Girl. Be a good hostess and give warm hugs like Olaf."
 Summers over and soon you will be throwing frosty snowballs. Time goes magically fast so be happy and enjoy school. Keep your sour level low because soon you'll be a king."
Its magic time so fast break into middle school. You're no longer a Sprite, so don't worry what he r she is doing. Be yourself, don't be the sour, be sweet and cupcakes."

End of Summer

The last 2 weeks of summer we finally got the kids into swimming lessons. All of them were so excited and couldn't wait to start. They learned so much and the older 3 have a pretty good grasp of swimming now. We went swimming on Saturday and it was so much more fun since they could swim a little. 

 Back in May the boys earned their Arrow of Light in Scouts and a few weeks ago they received it. They love the skin that they got and have it displayed in their rooms. It was a lot of work, but we are so proud they earned it. 
 Every other week we go to the library to get book and one of the times Camden got an effects book. He found a 'recipe' to make fake wounds and it actually turned out to look real. Brad sent me this picture when I wasn't home and it took me a second to remember what he was doing and not that he got really hurt. 
We have had a mouse problem this summer. We really haven't seen any of them we just hear them, which is just as bad. One night we let the dogs out just before bed like we always do. They usually just go straight to bed but tonight they didn't, they just stopped by the bed. I told them to move it and as they did I looked down and there was a mouse, a half dead mouse that Luna caught and brought in as a present for us... needless to say it's not a present we want. Now before they come in I check their mouths all the time.