The boys had their first scout day camp yesterday. They were so excited to go and had a blast.
We did Beck's special day on Saturday. He was really excited for it and had some fun plans. First he wanted Subway to eat. He really loves it here. I think because he can choose.
While he was eating he said his tooth hurt. I looked and it and pulled a little and it came out. He thought it was pretty sweet he lost a tooth while on his special day. He lost another on Monday night too.
Next he wanted to go swimming. He said since Cam let everyone go to the drive-in with him, he wanted everyone to come with him too. We went to Nat-soo-Pa. It wasn't as nasty as I thought it would be and the kids had a blast. Emery and Beck went on the slide a ton. After swimming we went for Orange Leaf. It was a fun day for all of the kids.