Thursday, April 4, 2013

Another Day Off

The boys have the next two days off of school. I was out of project ideas, but they were bored and wanted something to do, so I put them to work. They had to pick weeds for money. They got money based on what they picked. Emery's first bag was full of dirt clods. Beckham needed $3 for a toy he was saving for, so he really got into it. I told them Beck got $3.50, Cam $2.50 and Emery $2. Beckham is such a sweet kid and always watches out for Camden so he told Cam that he only needed $3 and he'd give Camden his extra $0.50 so they both had the same amount. Camden was really excited. 
 We went shopping later to look at what they wanted to get. Emery got things from the dollar section at Target and Beck got his toy he was saving for. Camden didn't have enough for his toy yet, so he is still saving. 
Kids do some weird things and thanks to the nice weather, they are able to go outside. I came outside and saw Camden like this. I am guessing he will break another bone before he is a teenager. 

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