Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Next Hat


Jackson loved the hat Emery made for her friend Jenna and wanted one of his own. In the end he wanted the hat from a OnePiece character, Tony Tony Chopper. It turned out really well and he loves it. 

Monday, February 10, 2025

Little Update

This is where Eevee loves to sit in winter. After she goes outside she will run back in and sit on the vent, if they are on, to warm up. Only thing is she doesn't like the air hitting her ears. 
Emery likes to crochet. She found a patter for a Five Nights at Freddy's that she wanted to make for her friend. I think it turned out really good and super cute! Jacks wants her to make one for him too. 
It's pretty well known that Emery loves Squishmellows, and she has a lot, almost triple digits. Most were just on the floor, which had to change.  
We got a big net and after a few failed attempts putting it up, we finally got it up and most of them off the floor. I think the room looks really cute now, and defiantly cleaner. 

Cam Comes Home

This weekend was The Super Bowl so Cam and Cailey came down. It was so good to see him and have him home. We had some good food, played some games and watched the game. We did a BINGO again this year-well it was BING due to only being a 4x4, but the kids still seemed to have a good time. Now until spring break. 

Monday, January 13, 2025

He's Off

 It happened, we dropped out oldest baby off at college this past weekend. Cam took his car and we took one too, not super full of things but pretty full. We went to Twin first to see the grandparents on Friday, then left Twin on a snowy Saturday to go to Pocatello. He checked in and we unloaded the car. He has a room mate, but maybe not for long. He got offered an open spot at another location, so Cam may be alone, or get someone new. Dorms are much smaller than I thought they were, but being in class and studying all day, you don't need a huge location. It was a quick drop off. We helped him put all his things in his room and left him and Cailey to set it up. 

Before we got home, he text that he has his room set up. I love all the little personal things he took. It will help it feel a little more like home for him. 

We left after we got everything moved into his room. We were there maybe 30 minutes. I did well. I knew I would be, as long as Cam didn't tear up. I started to tear up a little bit, but held it back. I did well until we got home and I saw the empty room. I had to go out to get and do a few things and had a good cry then. It's not a sad cry. I do and will miss him. I have loved having him home this last semester, just like Beck the semester before. He was helpful with everything. He made dinner once a week and did things that we needed done. We have had a lot of good talks. He helped me feel like I/we didn't fully mess up as a parent. (not that the others do, we just had a few good conversations) Cam was always up for a game, and I'll miss playing those with him while he is gone. It's a cry for change. Change is always hard but needed. I know he will be safe and fed and be okay, but I am not there to make sure those are done, and that's the hard part to think about. All of the 'What if's' that may happen. He is out first gone, so I really don't know for sure, but as a mom, I don't know if that feeling ever will go away. At the end of all of that, I am most excited for him. He is out and spreading his wings. He has a good first few days. He's tried out a few of the food places on campus, played games, found the YSA ward, went to class, studied in the lounge, worked out, and had his first dorm shower which was "weird but not bad". I know there are so many more things to come as well. 
With me, I can't keep something empty or a mess for long, cleaning is a way I decompress too. I did clean up his room throughout the weekend too. 
Found some fun art on the wall,
But covered it up with some other art.
Brad will use this as an office while Cam is gone, and used the shelves to house our surplus of Legos too. 
Now that Cam is gone, Beck works a lot more and Emery and Jacks are in school, we have two turds back in our room. Luna buried herself too quickly. 
Change can be hard but it's also good. We are so excited and proud of Camden and know, while school may be hard at times, the goals he has will pay off. He's going to have the best time at school too. 

Sunday, January 5, 2025

So It Begins

 T minus 5 days we drive half way to Twin then the next day to Pocatello to drop Camden off at school. I knew this day was coming, and I feel really lucky to have had this last semester with him, but I'm so excited for him to get out and spread his wings and 'adult'. Does that mean I won't cry... no. It will be a hard weekend, but a good one. 
It started as a big mess...
But now he had a nice pile to take with him. 

Emery's Time Off

Emery is our most social kid. She has a group of friends and this second week of break they got together a lot. She had sleepover, ice skating, New Years Eve Party, hanging out at the mall. She has a good group of friends and it's good to see her get out with them. 

She is wanting to redo a wall in her room and add a bunch of random things. She make a SpongeBob window and it looks super cute.