Tuesday, September 29, 2015

First Appointment

Camden started his allergy treatment today. I think I was as nervous as he was. I hate seeing him get shots. He had to get a shot in each arm 3 times. He kept tensing up (which I don't blame him) so it hurt a little bit more. I held his hand each time, which seemed to help. I hope that once it kicks in a little he won't be so scared of them. His right arm got a little red, which isn't bad but doesn't happen a lot with the first round. The doctor said that he may have to go slower but they won't know for sure will the 3rd week. It's hard on Camden and a long (LONG) time, but I am hopeful he'll be my happy Camden again, and be able to breath. 

Emery's B-Day Two

We took Emery to Boise to celebrate her birthday and it was a lot of fun. She wanted her cousin to come with her and together they had a blast. We went to "Hotel Transylvanian 2" first. I got the tickets and saw the price. It didn't look right, but the number of tickets were right, just after I slid my card I noticed I picked 3d and the next wasn't for a while so, we got some fun glasses. 
 Next was Build a Bear. 
 Then dinner at Wingers,
 And swimming at the hotel. It was a fun trip and the girls talked and played the whole time. I'm glad we brought someone along for Emery to have with her. 

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Emery's 7

Today is Emery's 7th birthday! She was so excited today and I think mostly to take treats into school. We didn't do a big part for her because on Friday we are taking her to Boise for the day. We have done the same for the boys and we wanted her turn. 
I made the cake this year. It looks like a heart right?
 The boys got her a gift and we got her something small to open, it was a fun small party. 

Emery is such a fun girl. She is a daddies girl and knows that dad will giver her whatever she wants (just like I knew too). She loves school and learning and is doing really well, after getting used to a few things. Emery is all girl still and loves painting nails, makeup, clothes, shoes, you name it she loves it. I do miss my shopping buddy and making lists with her before I go and shop for food. Her and Jacks are best friends and play so well together. He misses her, but loves seeing her when she comes home from school. She knows how to get whatever she wants out of Brad, she knows to ask him if she wants anything. Her favorite food is Oreos, her favorite subject is painting, her favorite thing to play with is her camera from Christmas. We love Emery so much. She is a nice change from all the boy in the house. 

It's Official!

It have to be honest, I wasn't sure it would actually all work out, but it has. We are under contract with a new house! It's 2 min from work, 2 min from a new elementary being built and the kids can stay in the school they're in now. It's 5 bed with bonus room. We love it but I think the kids love it more. We will close in November and then have lots of fun protects to do. It's all really exciting and we can't wait for November. 

Friday, September 18, 2015

Allergy Fun

About 2 years ago Camden's allergies were getting worse and worse. We tired all sorts of meds but nothing was working. The figured taking his tonsils out would help, but it really didn't do anything. That was about a year ago and it hasn't gotten any better. He isn't sleeping well, eating well or feeling well and it's mainly because he can't breath out of his nose. We finally got tired of it so we took him to a specialist. They did an allergy test on him. He got tested with 32 different allergens. This is his back right after it was poked.....
 His back about 15-20 min later. As you can see he's allergic to everything. 
 Cats are the worst for him. The interesting thing is dust mites and feathers came up high too. In Twin the Doctor said it's near impossible for dust mites to be and he's never been close to birds or feather things. He showed effects to most trees, molds, weeds and animals. There was very little that came up negative. 
So now the fun begins. We are going to do a vaccine process with him. One day a week for three weeks he goes to the office for about 2 hrs and get shots. After that he goes once a week for 30 min to get a shot  and this will last a year. Year two it goes to once every other week, then year three it's once a month. It's a very long process but when he's done he will not have allergies. With that result, I think the three years will be worth it. I think he's a little worried for the shots, but he's actually really excited for it to start, he just wants to feel better too. The night after the appointment I was talking to Beck and he kept asking questions, which I expect, but then he kept asking if it would change Cam or hurt him or maybe not be good. I asked if he was worried and he said yes a little. It's so sad and sweet to see the depth of their interactions. Most siblings care about each other, but twins have this bond that is so interesting to see. Camden will be fine, and if there is a change it will be better sleep, eating and breathing, just all around feeling better. The doctor said most people can feel a difference in 3 months, here's to a three month countdown. 


Last weekend we watched my friends two kids while they went to a wedding. The kids love being with their friends. They recently moved to Utah, so we don't see them as much, but when they do they play a lot. 

 Everyday Jacks like to draw. The other day I told him to put it on the fridge and now we have a lot. This pic was early on in the week so there are a lot more. His favorite thing to draw is Goosebumps. Doesn't he look so proud?

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

This Week

On Monday no one had work or school and so we took advantage of it and went to the hills to hike and have a picnic. It was a lot fun on the hike. When it came to eating we were bombarded with bees. It got so bad we just had to leave. You couldn't go anywhere without a bee following you. 
 I remember writing like this as a kid, so it was funny to see Jacks do it too. I make lists for when I go shopping and he started to pick that up too. He just sits and "writes" who knows what. Also he is a lefty. He went back and forth for a while, but now everything is with his left hand. He takes after his Grandpas. 

Wednesday, September 2, 2015


 The kids have been in a school for a while and so far so good. Emery had a tough time with the lunches at first, but now its a lot better. It's nice we are so close and they can just walk. I've been walking them all the way but now they just get dropped off at the end of the street.  
Jacks and I have been doing school too. It's going pretty well, but he will be the probably be the kid the teacher calls about because he doesn't focus that great and he likes to be funny.  
 Jackson also loves to play with toys a lot and we have been playing with these dinos lately. He has such a good imagination.

After lunch we played with the Batman house and then we told Goosebumps stories as the dinosaur. This is one of his stories. It's only about half of it.