Sunday, June 2, 2024

Only Teens!

 Our oldest babies graduated and our youngest turned 13! We did celebrate it early though. He wanted to have Jarom come up to spend a few days with him. Grandma and Grandpa brought him down when they came for graduation. That was Friday, on Saturday we went to TopGolf, and Sunday opened gifts. 
Jackson needs his own bass guitar to keep practicing for Jazz Band.

TopGolf is a lot of fun. You don't have to be good at golf to have fun there Brad is good, the rest of us are okay. 

On Monday- Memorial Day, Bryan and his family came down to hang out and eat some good food. We played games, ate good food and went to Scheels. I refuse to go on the Ferris Wheel, thankfully Jarom was excited to go with Jackson. 

We spent all of Memorial day with Bryan and his family, it was a lot of fun and good to hang out with them. 
Jackson has really grown this year. Being the youngest I think the kid can either be very dependent on your or very independent, Jackson is pretty independent. He will go off in Target alone to look at Pops or other figures (Emery won't go to the next isle alone). His band teacher brought up learning the Bass and he was really excited to try it out. It meant he had to stay after school once a week, but it was worth it to him. Jackson is the Deacon's Quorum President and he loves it. We hear from leaders all the time how impressed they are with him. He takes his assignments and runs with them, he makes sure everyone is set to pass the sacrament each week, he goes to meetings and gives ideas for activities. Jackson still has a very good imagination. He got some paints for Christmas and will follow tutorials on YouTube to paint pictures. He wanted a lot of figurines for his birthday and will still play with them in his room. He and Jarom were making a movie over the weekend and we could hear them play fight (pew sounds included). Jackson is a sensitive kid. He doesn't like when people say he did something, but he didn't do it. Even if its something small like left some trash out. But I think in turn, it makes him a very honest person. Jackson loved doing the robotics and has since done a few big Lego builds for his room. I love his room now. We put up 2 book shelves and he have them filled with figure displays. While he does play with his toys, he also has always been a kid to be patient and wait. We'd leave stores and he would wait until we got home to open the bag and look at it. He will play with ones he has now, but then set them back up on the shelf to look cool. I'm interested to see how he takes the older boys moving out. He really has loved hanging out with boys of them this year, but has gone to a bunch of movies and Walmart trips with Beck. Camden is always up for a trip to Collectors Outpost, which is one of Jacksons favorite stores. Jackson is always up for a good movie. We have had him watch some movies Brad and I really like and he likes most of them. Even ones that are more slow dramas that you don't think someone his age would enjoy. Like Shawshank Redemption is one of his favorites. Jackson's favorite food is fries. His favorite subject is Social Studies and his favorite game or toy is Roblox.

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