Monday, June 10, 2024

The Last for Beck


We are close to and end of an era for Cam and Beck; their last special nights. This month was Beck's last special night. He wasn't sure what he wanted to do but kept joking we should get the new Lego of  The Lord of the Rings: Barad-dur tower. We told him, if he pays part, we could get that, get a to go lunch  and build it. He liked that idea and we went for it. There were 3 books, 40 bags. We each took a book and went to work. We watched "The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor" (lame),
Aliens" and started "Scott Pilgrim VS. the World" (the worst movie). I finished first, then Beck. Brad worked for about 1.5 hours after us and took a break. That was about 12 to 5:30. We ate dinner and Beck worked for about and hour and a half after dinner before it was fully done. 5471 Lego pieces done and it looks awesome. 

It now sits in Jackson room on display. 
I have loved the special nights. I love seeing what the kids come up with to do and where to eat. For a long time Beck always picked Subway to eat, it was his favorite. He got what we have the HRB, Ham, Roast Beef and Bacon. He lost a tooth on one, Pokémon hikes, lots of good movies, going to Starset for the first time, Laser Mania, escape rooms, so many food places, Pop! hunting, corn maze, Orange Leaf, so many more, including his favorite one, dinner at Chandlers.  I will say it over and over; special nights were the best thing we did for the kids, and I have love all of the along time with the kids that we have. 

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