Thursday, June 13, 2024

Sweet Tarts, Never Again

 On Monday I got some Sweet Tarts. I'm not a huge candy fan, but they sounded good. I regrated that decision very fast. I bit a piece off of one and started to chew it and it was really hard. I took it out of my mouth and there was half a tooth. I guess thankfully it was a cap and not a permanent tooth. It meant less dental work to fix it. The best part was it didn't actually hurt. I was scared at any point it would be unbearable, but it never hurt. 
I went in to the dentist on Tuesday, they saw what they needed to do and on Wednesday they started the fix. I really hate doing the molds. I have a filler tooth now, and in a few weeks go in and get the permanent one put on. Getting caps was the worst choice I ever made. They have only been pains since I got them. One this is for sure, I'll never eat a Sweet Tart again. 

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