Friday, May 31, 2024

University of Utah

This past week Camden had New Student Orientation in Utah. He has never driven on the freeway, and a 5.5 hour dive alone for your first time is hard and long. I'm so grateful that I work remote and am able to work anywhere. We rented a Vrbo and I went down with him. He was semi supposed to drive down, however he stayed up the night before until 3 am to welcome Cailey to Hawaii (she went on a trip with her family) so he was too tired to drive. I worked while he went to U of U. He said it was fun. He met a few people, learned a few things and signed up for classes. 
The first night we went to Chick Fil A, apparently you have to buy something to use the bathroom. The receipt had a bathroom code. I really hope our 'big city' doesn't get this big.  
He drove a whole 40 minutes on the way home. He said he stopped because his hands kept getting sweaty.  He was white knuckling the wheel. Him and Beck both did jerky lane changes. Maybe that's just something you just get better at with time. I want them to learn to drive, but I like making good time. 

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