A week or so ago Jacks was in our bath. I went into the bathroom later and the floor was wet. When I asked him why, he said he there was a ladybug he put down the sink. Didn't think more of it until the next morning the ladybug is back on the counter. It looked dead so I put it down the sink again. Later that night back in the sink bowl. I put it down again, and let the water run for a while. The next night it was back on the backsplash. I showed Jacks that the bug he found didn't want to die. We tried one more time with the sink, not sure why, but we tried. Yet again a day later it was back, over by Brads sink this time. Jacks and I were a little freaked out and decided to just put it outside. Thankfully it is not back... yet.
If you are sick and you try and force it out too much or too hard, you can burst something in you eye and look possessed. Maybe a fun Halloween night look, but not for going on a week.
I didn't notice anything until the morning when Brad looked surprised and asked what was wrong with my eye.
Day 1, nasty but not too bad.
Couple of days in, it spread some and got a deep red.
Today it is getting lighter, spread a little more, but I think finally on the mend. I probably have at least another week looking like this. Moral of the story, don't force things.