Monday, December 18, 2017


The kids had a day off school a while ago and in the middle of the day I got a text from Teresa. She had a meeting at Rock Creek and saw a picture Jacks made. What is sweet boy. It says "I will be like Jesus I will be nice to my teacher and play with all kids. I will be nice to my friends."
Yes this is a repeat picture, I know that, but what you may not have noticed is Cam and Brad's hands. I'm not sure how I'll survive twin boys and Brad. I'm pretty sure my brothers did this a little when I was growing up, if not then it was boys in my grade. If you can get someone to look at that and it's below your waist you get to punch them in the arm, why? Because they're boys... It is a constant fight to trick everyone to look at a spot. Even Jacks has gotten into it and needless to say, I'm over it. Jacks however is also trying to 'chipmunk' the boys. (chipmunks favorite food is nuts.... fill in the rest) I think we need to stop him from this before he does it to a grandpa or uncle or someone else who may not find it funny. 
Emery is pretty well all healed from her tonsillectomy. She was a billion times easier than Camden was, but had her moments. After day 2 she got a little harder to deal with, but it was only after dinner. One of the nights thankfully Grandpa Arrington saw this and he took her for a movie night at his house. It helped to get her out of the house that she had been stuck in for a few days, and to give me a break from taking care of her. She came home a lot happier. The next day Emery and I went to lunch and did a little Christmas shopping. I think I have it easier than Brad because it was just her and me. He later took the boys for the same thing but had to take 3 kids with him. I love only having 1 girl. One because she is all the girl I can handle and two because then we can have fun mom and daughter dates like this.


This week Brad and I went to Utah to see Lady Gaga in concert. First we went to dinner and on our way out we say this R2D2 that some one made and use using an x-box controller to move. It was really cool and we had to take a picture to show the kids. 
We had weird seats. We were more to the back and a little behind the stage. It was an interesting point of view to see what happens behind stage but the sound wasn't that great and the things that were shown on the front of the stage we couldn't see. We were a section that was later opened up after all the others sold out, so they were second thought seats. Really I was just happy to go. I am always nervous going to see people in concert, because what if they aren't good? Then I'll just be disappointed. I've heard Gaga live on programs before and so I wasn't too worried; I knew she'd sound good. 
Gaga Before she went on stage. 

My favorite thing to see is how the artists start their show and to hear the crowd go crazy when they finally do start. Gaga is known for being eccentric, which is one thing I personally like, so it made for some interesting people dressed up at her concert. She sang great and played all the songs I was hoping she would. I think I was a lot more excited than Brad was, and maybe even more excited than I thought I was initially. I told Brad we have to stay for "Million Reasons" no matter when it plays (he likes to get out before the big crowd of people) It was the encore song and worth the wait for me. It is by far my favorite song by her, especially when sang with just the piano. Here are two of my favorite performances of it.

Sunday, December 17, 2017

More Projects

We have done a few more Christmas projects these past few weeks. We made gingerbread salt dough ornaments. They smelled good but got very brittle. Needless to say they didn't last. 
Another night we made hot coco and marshmallow snowmen to melt in our chocolate. They turned out a little messed up...

When I asked the kids ideas for projects they all said they wanted to watch "The Last Straw and have a service chain. Little things like this make me so proud to be their mom; they wanted to do service. It has been slow growing the first week, but now we have a lot longer chain and the kids love doing it. 
We then made presents for the kids friends. Emery and Jacks made peppermint play dough and gingerbread play dough. Cam and Beck made ornaments filled with M&Ms and a candy cane/Kit Kat/ chocolate sleigh. They also spent Thursday night at Gma and Gpa Arrington's house and made hot coco kits for their friends as well. It was more fun for them to make things then anything else. 
The elf left a surprise in their sock and we all went and saw the new "Star Wars" movie. They were all excited and loved the movie. Good thing we have such a nice elf. 

Pot Pie Take 2

A long running joke in our house is how bad I made a pot pie...ONCE. All the kids cried and refused to eat it. We did make them try and of course recorded some of it. The previous post if here. Pot pie 1
The other day Brad decided to try again and see if the kids would eat it and like it this time. It wasn't too bad, the kids did eat it and no one cried, so it's a step up at least. I think because of how bad the last one was the kids just have the preconceived thought that it would be bad and already didn't want it. It may not be on our normal list, but we'll try again some time to make it again. 

Second Band Concert

This week the boys also had a band concert and they did a lot better. The boys still play the trumpet and obo, but they also partly play the percussion as well. They both played a piece on the bells. You can see Beck ok, Cam is a little too short. They had to have someone put the stand down a little because he was too short to even reach the stand to move it. 

Piano Recital

Tonight we had a Christmas Piano recital for all of the kids. This year I have also been teaching out nephew Kyler and he has done really well. I was really nervous to take on someone who isn't my kid, but I gave this a try. When I teach the kids, if I don't explain well then I'm here all week and able to explain better or show them another way, but with someone who is only there once a week, I have to hope that I explained it well and in a way he understands. It's only been a few months and he seems to be getting it and played very well tonight. 

This year Camden has a lot more freedom with his lessons. I still give him a lesson book, but most of his songs are concert pieces that he picks out. I did this with the hope that we would argue less and he would enjoy the song he plays more. So far so good and he did great tonight. He loves to play and also loves to show off what he knows. 

I have given Emery more songs she knows to play. We have a Hymn book that she has liked and a fun song book we borrowed from Grandma Barnes. I'm not sure she loves it still, but she is enojying it more than she did last year. 
Beck can technically be done after this month. We told the kids they have to play 2 years, then if they have other things going on, if they want to, they can stop. I'm not sure if Beck will or not. He wants to play like Camden and just have concert pieces to play. He has grown a lot this year so I kind of hope he sticks with it. 

Friday, December 8, 2017


Today Emery got her tonsils and adenoids out. She had a well child check and they noticed that they were too big for her being healthy, so we went to the ENT and he said we should take them out. She was oddly excited for it. We have really been playing up eating lots of cold things. 
 The surgery went perfectly and now we just have recovery to deal with. The Doctor said she was really swollen and they were obstruction her nose, which make sense because she hasn't been able to breath out of her nose for a while, so hopefully the surgery helps her breath better and not snore. 
She's been most excited for ice cream from Grandpa Arrington. When he heard she had to have surgery he asked her favorite ice cream and said he'd bring some over for her to have. She wanted us to call and remind him of her surgery a few times but I promised her he wouldn't forget and he didn't.
I'm amazed how well she has done with all of this. She woke up once last night with a dry throat but after a little bit of water she was ok and went right back out. Emery listens a lot better than Camden did to us, and that makes this time having a child get them out a lot easier. 

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Funny Kids

Emery and Jacks had a fundraiser at school and since Beck had some money he said he wanted to buy something. He decided on cherry cordials and was excited to try them....until they came and he saw how small the box was considering how much he paid. We then went to Walmart and he saw that you could get more for a lot cheaper. He learned that day why we don't like fundraisers a lot but also we told him that his sister was happy he bought something from her. 
After being sick, Camden got his chance to hold Hayden and he was very excited and happy to do so. They're all like their dad and love babies. 
 We found this jacket that used to be the older boys but now it actually fits Jacks. He loved it so much and had to wear it on Sunday. Doesn't he look fancy?
 The kids were playing on Brad and my phones the other day and found out that you can take selfies and send them to each other. The weird faces they make when they think no one is looking. 

Christmas Happenings

The Christmas season is in full swing and the kids couldn't be more excited. It's only 7 days into December, but we have already done a lot. 
When the kids were little I did projects around Christma to keep them busy and stop them asking every 5 min if it was time for Santa. I figured that after a year or so they would die out and the kids would get sick of doing projects; well that didn't happen. They remember every year and really look forward to them 
First we made a countdown till Christmas. Emery's and Jacks' are snowmen that you take the rings off till Christmas eve. 
  We went to Grandma Arrington's Choir concert one night. The kids helped her with turning off candles that the performers brought it, then after they helped hand out cookies. They all loved this and were unanimous that they want to always help hand out cookies every time. 

 My least favorite thing about Christmas season is gingerbread houses. I don't know why but I really hate putting them together but the kids love it.(they probably just love the candy) Every year though I cave in and we do them. This year I was smarter and only got 2 big ones for them to do together. 

 I think only half the candy went on the house, the other half went on their bellies but they had fun and the houses look pretty good.